Neda agha sultan shocking video, Neda Agha Sultan Photos

Neda agha sultan shocking video
Neda Agha Sultan Photos

A young Iranian woman was shot to death on Saturday while allegedly attending a protest with his father in Iran. While few details are available about who shot her and why the young woman has been called "Neda" which means "conversation" or "voice" in Farsi, and has emerged as a rallying symbol for Iranians opposed to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Footage of the gruesome shoot quickly appeared on YouTube and other sites. The contents of the video is graphic; YouTube requires that you verify your age before you see it. CNN, meanwhile, links to a video which allegedly shows "Neda" and her father in a protest before the shooting.

This is the source news from Mashable:
At 19:05 June 20th Place: Karekar Ave., at the corner crossing Khosravi St. and Salehi st.
A young woman who was standing aside with her father watching the protests was shot by a basij member hiding on the rooftop of a civilian house. He had clear shot at the girl and could not miss her. However, he aimed straight her heart. I am a doctor, so I rushed to try to save her. But the impact of the gunshot was so fierce that the bullet had blasted inside the victim’s chest, and she died in less than 2 minutes. The protests were going on about 1 kilometers away in the main street and some of the protesting crowd were running from tear gass used among them, towards Salehi St.

Tags Accidents, Death Rate ,Neda Agha Sultan Photos,Neda agha sultan shocking video,Neda Photos,


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